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Silent heart disease symptoms /sign and precautions

 NotSilent heart disease symptoms and precautions every chest pain is a heart attack, but it should not be ignored. In addition, symptoms of heart disease can be in addition to chest pain, such as heartburn, muscle cramps, etc. Not only in our country, but also in developed countries, heart disease is common and 40% of deaths in the United States are due to heart disease.

Common heart diseases Common heart

 diseases include irregular or rapid heartbeat, rheumatic heart disease (a disease that permanently damages the heart), diseases of the heart valves such as constriction, leakage or closure, hypertension, heart disease. These include increased size and thickening of the heart muscle.

Causes and Precautions for Heart Disease 

The causes of angina and heart attack are almost the same. There are some aspects of coronary artery disease or angina that the doctor cannot help you prevent. The first is that the disease is already present in your family and the second is that you are a man. ۔ The third thing in this regard is your age, which increases the risk of getting this disease.

There are a number of factors that

 contribute to the disease such as diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, irregular exercise or not at all, not eating fruits and vegetables, blood pressure, stress, lack of entertainment and obesity, etc. The symptoms of heart failure are different, as it always occurs after a heart attack. These include weakness of the heart, heart attack, prolonged and untreated high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart muscle or narrowing of the heart valve.

Differences between heart attack, heart 

failure and angina The heart is always working in our body and it fulfills its needs with the blood received through the arteries of the heart. These are called coronary arteries. As time goes on, the fat in the blood begins to accumulate in these arteries, which causes them to become narrow. When this narrowing increases to more than 50 or 60%, blood clots begin to form. In this case, when any physical or mental activity such as exercise, etc., the chest feels strangely painful.This pain is called "angina" in medical terms. When this vein closes completely and blood does not flow at all, it is called "heart attack". Similarly, when the heart stops pumping blood for any reason, this condition is interpreted as heart failure.

Differences in the symptoms of angina, 

heart attack and heart failure In the case of angina, there is a feeling of pressure in the chest. This pain occurs in the central part of the chest, the duration of which is not specified and its timing cannot be determined. This pain is aggravated by walking, hard work or stress and remembering to relax.

A heart attack is actually a more severe

form of angina because it affects the flow of blood due to the blockage of a blood vessel. The pain is unbearably severe. Symptoms include vomiting and nausea, sweating all over the body, as well as pain in the hands, neck and jaw.Some heart failure patients do not have many of these symptoms.Some of the major symptoms include shortness of breath, intolerance (not being able to work as much as they used to), swelling of the legs, and waking up at night as if they were holding their breath.

The cause of heart disease in young people

 Unhealthy lifestyles, poor eating habits, lack of regular exercise, smoking, diabetes and obesity are some of the major causes of heart disease in young people. The incidence of heart disease is higher and premature in South Asians than in other countries.

 Big heart

Heart failure occurs after heart failure and heart attack. When the heart is not able to pump blood properly, it begins to grow in size due to excessive exertion

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